Sarah Fuller Klyberg, PhD, is a higher education professional and academic editor whose career has focused on the promotion of student and scholar access to and success in higher education. She earned her BA in Political Science from the College of Wooster, her MA in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, and her PhD in Higher Education from Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Klyberg spent a decade in international academic and cultural exchange program administration in Washington, DC, and the Middle East, after which she pursued her doctorate at Penn State. Dr. Klyberg served in academic leadership roles at a Massachusetts community college and is now a program manager with an academic association in Rhode Island. Her editing work includes Academic Leadership and Governance of Higher Education: A Guide for Trustees, Leaders, and Aspiring Leaders of Two- and Four-Year Institutions (first and second editions, Stylus); How Colleges Use Data (Johns Hopkins University Press); the Journal of Research in Rural Education; and the International Journal of Student Voice.