Education & Training

Sexual Misconduct Planning, Prevention & Title IX 


Between Title IX, the Violence Against Women Act and the Clery Act, schools have myriad training obligations around sexual misconduct. Rankin sees training as an opportunity to engage your community and get students, faculty and staff motivated to support survivors, thereby creating a caring and inclusive campus culture. We offer a variety of training for all of your campus populations: responsible employee/”mandatory reporter” for student employees (including specific training for RAs) and full-time employees; Athletic Department programs for employees and for student-athletes to meet NCAA compliance responsibilities; student-athlete Title IX training for NCAA compliance; general Title IX, sexual harassment, or sexual assault education; and hearing board/decision-maker/advisor training that meet the federal regulatory requirements.


Whether providing the required training to department coaches, staff and students or evaluating past reports to help identify larger conduct and culture issues, Rankin Climate can help you meet — and exceed — your NCAA requirements. We can also work through the three-prong Title IX test evaluation for your institution, including handling the assessment around student interest.

Title IX Coordinator Assessment Education

Rankin Climate provides the training and education to give a base of knowledge on understanding what makes a good instrument, how to pair it with qualitative research and the best methods of programmatic assessment.

Title IX Compliance/Operations

Need a detailed examination of your Title IX office or sexual misconduct efforts? Rankin Climate offers different approaches to evaluate your current work:

  • Response Structural Review: We can recommend ways to revise your policies, procedures or overall systems.
  • Communications Review: Not only can Rankin review and revise your communications, but we can provide a host of templates for offices to use.
  • Reporting System: “Mandatory reporting” doesn’t need to be compliance-forward; it can be a vehicle for student care.
  • Title IX Prevention Structure: Rankin can help you develop a multiyear plan to address sexual misconduct and victimization rates.
  • Title IX Materials and Education: Infographics, flow charts and more  can go a long way toward making students and the larger community feel like their institution wants them to report and repair broken trust.