Mitsu Narui, PhD is a Reporting and Analytics Senior Analyst in the Office of Institutional Research and Planning at the Ohio State University. Mitsu received her PhD in Higher Education Administration from Ohio State. She also received her MA in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University and BS in Physical Therapy in 2000 from Ohio State. Prior to this role, Mitsu has had positions in research administration, assessment, curricular development, multicultural affairs, governmental policy, academic advising and residence life. In addition, Mitsu currently serves on the editorial boards for the Journal for LGBT Youth and was previously on the board for the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. She has been published in the Journal of Homosexuality as well as presented her research at the Association for the Study of Higher Education and American Educational Research Association national conferences.

Kodama, C., Narui, M., Walterbush, T. (2021). Being geographically bound in student affairs: Challenges to advancement and professional identity. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. 1-14.

Dore, R., Justice, L., Mills, A. K., Narui, M., & Welch, K. (2021). Virtual Kindergarten Readiness Programming for Preschool-Aged Children: Feasibility, Social Validity, and Preliminary Impacts. Early Education and Development, 1–20.

Narui, M., Truong, K., & McMickens, T. (2015). Independent study: How three doctoral students tackled issues recruiting participants and collecting data with historically underrepresented populations. Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, 4(1), http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/jctp/vol4/iss1/8.

Narui, M. (2014). Hidden populations and intersectionality: When race and sexual orientation collide. In D. Mitchell, C. Y. Simmons, & L. A. Greyerbiehl (Eds.), Intersectionality and higher education: Theory, research, and praxis (pp. 185-200). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.

Narui, M. (2011). Understanding the Asian/American gay, lesbian, bisexual experience from a poststructural perspective.  Journal of Homosexuality, 58, 1211-1234.